A platform for long horizontal robotic manipulation and human-robot collaboration research.
WeCook Documentation


WeCook is a C++ framework started by the Interactive and Collaborative Autonomous Robotics (ICAROS) lab at University of Southern California (USC). It is a platform for testing and analyzing planning algorithms for long-horizontal robotic manipulation and human-robot collaboration.

We hope you find this tool useful. Please contact our team if you wish to share your comments, questions, success stories, or frustrations. And please contribute your best bug fixes, features, and examples!

Setup Instructions

WeCook depends on AIKIDO, z3.

WeCook is supported on the following systems:

Setup Instructions


There are two types of tasks WeCook supports, "following" and "planning". In the "following" mode, agents will follow action sequences given by users; in the "planning" mode, agents will plan a task and motion path based on PDDL files defined by users based on IDTMP. Moreover, WeCook supports both simulated and real robots. It's easy to switch between different modes and real/sim by editing task scripts.

Launch WeCook

Type in following commands in your terminal

# Open one terminal
$ roscore
# Open another terminal; Don't forget to subscribe to visualization topic
$ rviz
# Open another terminal
$ cd $ROS_WORKSPACE && ./devel/bin/wecook

"Following" (sim)

To run the demo, type in following commands in your terminal

# Open another terminal
$ rosrun wecook fruit_jelly_sim.py

"Following" (real)

Coming soon!

"Planning" (sim)

Coming soon!

"Planning" (real)

Coming soon!